As usual CJ’s thread is spot on. I’ll build on what he said below.
You become the people you work with. Try to figure out if they are the kind of person you want to become, especially relative to their work. Key questions so ask are:
1) when you 1st started here, what was the most unexpected thing you realized about working here. /2
2) What is something about your job you didn’t know you would enjoy as much as you do before you started?

3) What does your boss value the most about you when they give you feedback?

4) What kind of accomplishments do the new employees who do really well have in their 1st year?
5) What are some of the ways that the scientists here stay connected with the broader scientific community?

6) When people leave your company, where do they typically go?

7) Can you give me an impression of a typical career progression here they the 1st 5 years?
8) Did you make a lot of friends at work?

9) I heard that some companies encourage job rotations. Is that something that happens here? Why or why not.

10) What are some department teams or interest groups that your company has?
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