MMA is barely 30yrs old, but its history is in the custody of the McNoob media + 'fans' who don't know a thing and don't care to.

I take my share of blame for this culture. It has to change. As I told my mate @arielhelwani recently, a sport with no history has no future.
When I was researching @bisping book I was aghast at how useless major websites were.

If all you write for your website is "X is fighting Y at UFC Vegas 299.1" and "Dana says X, Y reacts!" - stop calling yourself a writer or journalist. You are neither.
When THE ROCK announced he was doing a movie about Mark Kerr to an arena full of "fans" who'd skipped work to attend a UFC WEIGH-IN... you could hear a rat piss on cotton.

Not one 'fan' knew who the hell Rock was talking about. It was embarrassing - not for Rock but for MMA!
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