I raised 45k between 3 sex work charities, outed myself to change University policies against sex workers, co-authored a student sex work toolkit, wrote an entire blog about street sex work. I work for sex worker violence charity, contributed to a stigma toolkit

1/2 https://twitter.com/VioletMacc_bbw/status/1350617257685106689
I joined a rape crisis board to ensure inclusion of sex work. I made myself a national target by talking about working in the Managed Zone

outside of this, I organise to challenge the Nordic Model, send money to other sex workers, and done public talks and contribute to research
I am working this year to set up a sex worker drop in space for sex workers in Halifax, and contributing to training for drug misuse services who work with sex workers

Don't fucking tell me I don't support anyone else, and use sending money against me.
I am also working very hard to leave sex work, and have come a long way too. I don't do street work as much, and have significantly reduced my reliance on sex work income.

Also, I will always be a sex worker rights advocate and activist.
I turned down a fucking book deal this year because I feared bringing attention to the Managed Zone and the women working there, and I wasn't mentally prepared to take on being a national target of hate.

I also personally support sex workers in various capacities.
I am not the type of person to lay out what I do and expect any praise, and do most of it without saying a word because I enjoy doing it. However, I aint gonna sit back and have people say this sort of shit.
I am not a happy hooker, and I refuse to constantly defend myself and my experiences against other sex workers because they don't like to hear it.

Do you want me to paint street sex work as something great, empowering and amazing when you're caught up in the cycle of addiction?
You know what, a fellow sex worker died this year and punters were saying how much they missed bareback fucking her on punting pages. They treat me like this, have raped, assaulted, robbed and threatened me. Not everyone has the same experiences with clients.
like shit*
Sending me money does not mean you have any say in how I think/feel/act/have to say. If you feel at any point you have a hold over me because you have sent me money, then you sod off and I'll refund you.

Throwing that shit in someone's face is disgusting, bugger off.
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