I remember the day Trump was sworn in, I had a lump in my throat of fear and dread. I've had it every day since. I've carried it like a tumor.

4 years later our system is in shambles, our Capitol was attacked by his supporters and 400,00 are dead.

But...it's over in 87 hours.
Trump did something important though, he revealed many of the lies America tells itself about itself: that America is somehow a post-racial meritocracy, that we are not susceptible to fascism, that America is somehow less selfish or stupid than other countries. It isn't.
And yes, of course, many of us have been saying these things for years, writing about them, researching them, marching for them. But Trump made them plain and tactile.

An obvious example: a great democracy is not attacked by the supporters of an outgoing imbecile autocrat.
It's not lost on me that the great irony is that the most dangerous lies Trump revealed about America were the ones steeped in the idea of greatness. In other words, the President who wanted to "make America great again" was the one to definitively reveal that it is anything but.
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