My superficial understanding:

How To Achieve
It's achieved by enough people getting vaccinated, with a good average efficacy. E.g. 75% of people get 75% efficacy may work. Or 65% of people get 94% efficacy, etc. /1
How It Helps
The virus fizzes out quickly, every time it's introduced. E.g. an overseas tourist who didn't quarantine infects a local who wasn't vaccinated. They get sick, but most of their contacts don't, so the spread is slow and manageable. /2
Why It's Worth Doing?
It means that we can deal with covid19 like we deal with the flu. We can open borders and have a fully functional society with all job types possible again.

Hospitals are not overloaded because only unvaccinated people get sick enough for hospitalisation /3
What about new variants?
Initial vaccines are likely to protect against the variants seen so far.
If #covid19 is well controlled with herd immunity then we can deal with new variants or novel strains much more easily since they'll stand out, and hospitals won't be overloaded. /4
Is Herd Immunity Urgent?
I think it's much more urgent than the current rhetoric from the government would indicate. In 6 months we'll be in mid Winter with people gathering indoors and lots of potential aerosol transmission. Covid19 will be old news and complacency high. /5
Why Open International Borders?
Stranded Aussies numbers keep growing and will want to come home. Tourism is suffering. As countries like USA will achieve herd immunity in their Summer, we'll have intense pressure to open borders fully our Winter. /6 end.
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