Thread: Dinner with my conservative family members. Here I go!
Family Member A: “Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are the most corrupt people in our government.”

Me: “more corrupt that Donald Trump?”

Them: “yes.”
Family member C: “I don’t trust Kamala at all and I think Joe Biden is over the hill and being led by the ear.”

Me: “why don’t you trust Kamala?”

Them: “I don’t know; it’s just a feeling I get. I hope I’m proven wrong.”

Me: loud angry rant I can’t fit into this tweet
They don’t know who Lauren Boebert is but Family member A called AOC a dumb bitch.
Family member B hasn’t ruled out that the left was the reason for the poor Capitol police response. I’m told to “look at the big picture.”

Me:They were certifying election results. He said “let’s take a walk to the Capitol” and Parler tracked GPS of well known MAGAs”

My brother just admitted that my parents are into conspiracy theories and everyone got pissed.
All 3 rambling about: “free” speech, ability to have “contrary” opinions to the “social media” people.

Waits for them to shut the fuck up.

Me: “Social media platforms should silence people who are spreading false information or inciting violence on our democracy.”

They agree🤦🏻‍♀️
Me: What are your thoughts on Qanon?

Them: Who is Qanon? We don’t know anything about them.

Now we are about to open my presents from Christmas and it’s supes awkward.
Me: “By voting the way you did, you basically said upholding racism and not building equity for all citizens wasn’t a deal breaker for you. How is that American?”

Family Member A: *had had too much wine. rolls eyes and storms out of kitchen.*

Translation: I’m right.
Me: “Do you believe Donald Trump won the 2020 election?”

Them: “No.”

Me opening stocking stuffers. I open a small fabric wristband. My mom: You’re probably going to want to throw that away. I got it from China on Facebook. It’s supposed to hold your phone and credit cards, but it’s too small for a phone and when you unzip it the Zipper comes off🤣
Me: “Can we agree that the coup was disgusting?”

Family Member C: “Of course, all rational people agree on that. Both sides have engaged in divisive and dangerous rhetoric which has been fueled by social media enflaming people even more.”

Me:”So very good people on both sides?”
Me: “You agree with a lot of the things im saying in theory. But your vote went completely against the things you’re saying. How do I reconcile that?”

Family Member B (super emotional like): “WE LOST. Our candidate lost. It’s over. Okay???”

Ohhh shit
Me, outside with Family Member B: “If you had known that Trump would deny election results and MAGA would stage a coup on our democracy, would you still have voted for Trump?”

*Long frustrated pause as I intently stare into their soul.*

Family Member B: “probably not.”
Family Member C just brought up Hunter Biden and said he is corrupt based on facts and evidence (there was a video) and that we don’t know if Trump is any more corrupt than Hunter Biden. Trump being corrupt could be a conspiracy theory too.

Me “where’s Hunter Biden’s laptop?”
I just called Trump a white supremacist.

Super drunk Family Member A:

Family members B and C laugh with me about how intoxicated Family Member A is and silently agree.

No further arguments. So I guess I win you guys.
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