Common anti-Indigenous comments that you might not be aware of: a thread
Making fun of Indigenous beliefs or culture, laughing at how "silly" or "ridiculous " it is, comparing it to being "primitive" or "old fashioned"
Calling Indigenous people "s*vage* or "primitive" or alluding at all to us being less than human or inferior to other groups of people
Questioning Indigenous peoples identities, thinking we don't "look" Native enough, comparing us to outdated racist stereotypes and caricatures, asking what our blood quantum is or demanding to see our entire family trees. This goes especially when we're trying to educate u
Believing or supporting blood quantum, which is a white supremacist psuedo-science based on the idea of "blood purity" and was created to "breed us out" on paper so yt ppl didn't have to fulfill treaty. It treats us like dogs with pedigrees and destroys our communities
Wearing "Native inspired" war paint or costumes, ESPECIALLY sexualized ones. This is not only literal redface and the definition of racist, its derogatory and perpetuates ongoing physical and sexual violence to Native people #MMIW
Making or buying dream catchers from a non Indigenous person. Dream catchers are sacred, and arent toys or aesthetic. Not even all tribes had them. By buying from non-Natives, you are stealing financial support from marginalized ppl and directly harming us and our cultures
Using insults like "Pocahontas " or "Elizabeth Warren ", idk why I should have to explain this but its racist, period. Pocahontas was a child kidnapping victim, not yours to make shitty racist jokes with. #LeaveMatoakaAlone
Using our closed practices, including white sage, sweetgrass, traditional dances, things that many of us still dont have access to, things that were made illegal to us, that we were beaten and killed for practicing. Ntm how our medicines are now endangered bc of over harvesting
Defending racist Indigenous mascots and logos, of which also perpetuates violence to our communities and fetishizes Indigenous people
Fetishizing Indigenous people, especially women, through hyper sexualized art, characters, mascots, and cartoons. This feeds directly into the #MMIW crisis
Denying the us and Canada committed genocide, saying "it was a long time ago" like residential schools werent in the literal 9ps, like the largest genocide in recorded history wasnt of Indigenous people, acting like ongoing oppression & settler colonialism isnt still hurting us
Saying residential schools were in any way "good" and not literal torture camps funded by the gov resulting in the deaths of at least 3000 children and even thousands more missing and presumed dead
Making or buying any "Native inspired" things from non-Natives, see the same reason for dream catchers
I'll add more as I think of them
Consider supporting a disabled two-spirit artist: my webcomic is pinned, along with my ko-fi. Trying to move out of an unstable living situation and a dangerous town

Thinking Indigenous people "deserved" genocide because of literal historical lies like we were "cannibals" or "sacrificed babies": these were lies made up by colonizers to justify enslaving and massacring us under their laws. It is pure anti-Indigenous racism
Saying Indigenous people were "conquered" or to "get over it" like it's ever okay to tell people who were put thru genocide anything like that.
Spreading the debunked land bridge theory while claiming Indigenous people were "also immigrants" or "also colonizers" so colonization didn't matter. Its unscientific and based in racism, maybe just listen to our communities about our origins and how long we've been here
Ignoring traditional Indigenous knowledge about nature, astronomy and science, only listening to us once western science confirms it #NativesToldYouSo
Burning, destroying, or privatizing Indigenous art, especially old irreplaceable art. This includes pieces stolen from our communities by museums without our consent
Supporting pipelines shoved thru sovereign Indigenous land against our wishes, destroying our lands a d bringing further violence to our people thru man camps #MMIW
Being against land back or not including Indigenous people in your leftism/activism
Talking about Indigenous people in the past tense like we dont exist anymore, or we're extinct
Claiming Indigenous people are extinct, dont use the internet, or all live in "huts"
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