Seeing as how @RedStreak3795 did a whole thread on why he loves Rosie so much, I figured I’d throw in my two cents.
Here’s a thread on why I love the character of Lexi from "Journey Beyond Sodor”. (1/?)
First of all, she’s unique.
Look at her: she’s a cab-forward engine with a rusted sky blue paint job and runs on these two barrel things on her little fuel car.
We’ve never seen a character like Lexi before or since in the show’s history, and I love how she stands out.
Secondly, the fact she can do such a wide variety of voices and accents (from Scottish to French to Bronx to even Batman) is remarkable; it gives off the sense she doesn’t fully know who she is, so she crafts her identity from various voices she’s heard throughout her life.
Her relationship with Theo and Merlin is honestly adorable; the way they look after each other despite the fact they 'can’t do anything’ gives off a brilliant sense of camaraderie than some of the other trios in the franchise (including the Logging Locos).
Their song slaps. You can’t deny it.
The fact that we never saw more of her after JBS just annoys me since I always believe in the potential of a character; based off her chatterbox personality, I was really hoping to see an episode with her interacting with Marion (who I lowkey ship Lexi with).
I love Lexi so much that she appears frequently in my human AU since the very beginning; most of the time with Marion due to my aforementioned shipping of them.
The mere fact that a character like Lexi - a strange, experimental cab-forward locomotive - exists amongst a giant ensemble cast is astounding; seeing her amongst all these front-facing characters just makes her all the more able to stand out.
She’s also the only Thomas character that I have in all the merch lines she appeared in; Trackmaster and Adventures.
It sucks that they didn’t do a Wooden Railway version of her, which I always imagined looking similar to @StreakSmeargle’s awesome concept design.
In conclusion, the reason Lexi is my favorite Thomas character that isn’t Ashima, Millie, Emily OR Caitlin is because of just how unique she is.
There’s never been a character like her before or since, and I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
There may be a wide variety of characters in the Thomas cast, but I will always remember the experimental cab-forward engine from the Mainland; because there will never ever be another engine like her.
Thanks for reading.
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