🇦🇺 #StrandedAussies
"We wouldn't be in this mess if @ScottMorrisonMP had done what is HIS Responsibility, to deliver a Safe National Quarantine System, but HE DIDNT, he handballed it to the states & now Australians are paying the price," @SenatorWong said.

#QT: How is it that Tennis Australia can organise flights & Quarantine for over 1200 people? (over a few days)
Yet the Morrison Government - who should have way more contacts & access to the right people, cant manage to be in charge of bringing all our #StrandedAussies home

The debate shouldnt be about state caps, the states have to focus on safe numbers to manage for Hotel Quarantine.
States also need to focus on their economies, ie bringing in international students, fruit pickers etc...
The solution needs to be the Federal Government taking

ownership of a system in bringing #StrandedAussies home. (its been their responsibility all along) & co-ordinate the flights & quarantining of our #StrandedAussies.

The states have been doing everything during the Covid crisis, its ABOUT TIME Scott Morrison

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