1. I am banned for 3 days so I am going to have my rant. This will disappear into the ether so I don't care. If one person in my position sees it, I hope it helps. The whole 'no mask, no entry' has made the lives of those with hidden disabilities lives unbearable.
2. Life for those with mask exemptions is now a living hell. Want to be virtuous? Show some empathy.
3. Anxiety, PTSD, claustrophobia, autism, hearing/speech difficulties, rape, trauma are not breathing problems. I am exempt but should not need to tell you why, it is my business not yours. The same as my health records.
4. Should I be forced to stay inside forever, unable to shop to feed my children, just because you are fortunate enough not to suffer any of my problems? Should I just be shut inside with my only option a delivery?
5. Well I would if all those who are terrified of a virus with a 99.9% recovery rate hadn't booked up all the slots. So what am I supposed to do? Die? Would that make you feel safer? I have never felt so shunned and discriminated against than I do now.
6. I despair at the human race, the lack of humanity, and a government encouraging this behaviour. All those shaming and intimidating those who are really, REALLY suffering because of this, hang your heads in shame.
7. Not going to reply to those who say 'but you are killing people', my life matters too!
I can't keep up with the replies to this, so sorry if I have not responded to you. Sorry to all those struggling, thank you for all the kind messages, to the odd vile response...I rest my case.
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