Real accountability means owning what you do, not just what you say.

Rep. Mike Gallagher claims “President Trump has lost my support — permanently.”

But he voted to shield him from impeachment. So we’re holding Gallagher accountable, with this TV ad running statewide in WI:
Gallagher has voted with Trump 86.7% of the time. He voted against impeaching Trump despite obvious high crimes and misdemeanors—twice. He’s seeking media attention for criticizing Trump, but when it counts, Mike Gallagher has Trump’s back.
As a profile in political courage, Rep. Gallagher is right up there with Betsy DeVos. After 3 years & 50 weeks on Team Trump, she resigned from the Cabinet after the insurrection, instead of pushing for the 25th. Gallagher shakes his head about Trump—and votes to protect him.
Gallagher talks up his concerns about Trump, polarization, and the future of the country to any reporter who will listen. And then he makes the case against impeachment. He creates space for purple-district Republicans to stick with Trump and against the Constitution.
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