The DC area is being built up as a kind of military compound, clearly in anticipation of something far more dangerous than few protesters on Inauguration Day.
With an estimated 2.5 million rounds of 5.56 ammo being distributed — along with 500,000 rounds of .50 caliber for the..
Stryker vehicles — Washington D.C. is being prepared for a nation state-scale attack, which indicates the DoD anticipates an invasion from China or some other foreign aggressor.
Some of the units now being deployed to DC include:
56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team
229th Brigade...
Engineer Battalion
160th Engineer Company
261st Theater Tactical Signal Brigade
198th Expeditionary Signal Battalion
262nd Component Repair Company
177th Fighter Wing (F-16 fighter jets with air-to-air combat capabilities)
105th Airlift Wing
174th Attack Wing (drones)
Security Forces Squadron
The build-up of troops has expanded to 30,000, with DoD’s Chris Miller reportedly calling the governors of every state East of the Mississippi and begging for more troops.
Yet nearly all patriots have already decided to stay away from this event, ...
knowing they are being set up for a massive false flag trap by the FBI, CNN, Antifa and other deep state actors.
So what’s really going on in DC?
All federal prisons are on lock down & we currently have 10 times the military presence in DC than we had in Afghanistan. Let that sink in.
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