Former Obama official Andy Slavitt was recently appointed to Biden’s team as “senior advisor for Covid response.” Known for his frequent “Twitterhea” length fear-mongering threads preaching subservience, we’ve saved some of his greatest hits so that no one doubt his character.
First we should mention that Slavitt has worked for arguably the two most notorious vampire squids of capitalism: Goldman and McKinsey. He’s no social worker. He is also (shockingly) not a scientist or Dr (of any kind). He’s an English/Econ major with an mba.
But in any case let’s focus on a thread from July where Slavitt tells us all how to stop c19. It’s easy you dolts! We can stop it “any time we decide to.”
We just need to do a hard lockdown for 4-6 weeks. Why? Because it worked great for all kinds of other countries! First up, NZ which even he knows is ridiculous so he quickly moves on to Germany
No matter. How about Italy France and Spain? They locked down and really crushed the curve says Andy.
Whoops! (Again)
Errr- no matter. “Pick virtually any country” admonishes non-STEM Slavitt. They all did better than the US (as long as they are mostly 🍒🤏small tropical islands or nations that you’ve barely heard of). Completely valid compares according to STEMless Slavitt. Barbados, Brunei...
We just need a 4-6 week “kitchen sink” lockdown. Which means more masks. No schools, churches, bars, restaurants. No interstate travel nor flights in or out of country. Crop pickers truck drivers and health care workers stay home!
Totally practical right? Stop the entire economy for 4-6 weeks. Which of course means most of the world’s economy grinds to a halt.

It is so ludicrously unrealistic that only a McKinsey consultant could propose such tripe.
“Sadly” though after the kitchen sink lockdown we wouldn’t be out of the woods but Japan, Czechia, and Greece can show us the way. And note the snark about most of us not having common sense. “Beginning to recognize the flaw.” Me too.
Whoops whoops whoops. This is just starting to get sad. For the country, that is, if this guy gains any influence.
Lest anyone still thinks Andy Slavitt is qualified to be a national Covid advisor, let’s take a good hard look at this guy’s character. Hint: Slavitt compadre Dr Dingus would probably start this part with “🚨🚨💥💥WOAH TROUBLESOME!💥💥🚨🚨
Slavitt thinks a good portion of the nation are cheeseball-eating Walmart-shopping Sw*stika-mask wearing deplorables who are foolishly concerned about their personal rights. And oh yeah their “scarves don’t match their outfits.”
This is so disgustingly elitist and vile that no one should be under any illusion that Andy Slavitt is anything but a horrible person.

“Scratch an intellectual, and you find a would-be aristocrat who loathes the sight, the sound and the smell of common folk.” -Eric Hoffer
I’ll close with two more Slavitt gems regarding kids. The “stick your college kid in the garage for thanksgiving” thread- a real winner that he deleted claiming it was a joke which is still terrible...
And the “CDC is stupid because they say kids should be in school” tweet.
There is so much material I left out but it should be clear that Andy Slavitt is an unqualified, out of touch with reality, elitist menace who despises much of the country. But sure, put him in a senior advisory role. People can change, right?
Sorry but I can’t stop. Folks need to know what a despicable cretin this guy really is. Here English/Econ major Slavitt admonishes the commoners for not having credentials and hence not being qualified to understand the pandemic. Stupendous hypocrisy.
Here political grifter Andy Slavitt has a Twitter love fest with the single biggest fraud on Twitter “Dr” Fake-Dingus. Not a surprise these two love each other.
Finally (?) an oldie but goodie where Slavitt opines on something that as a supposed mba he might actually be able to understand. Whoops. H/T @NahasNewman
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