For the record, when I use TME/TMA terminology, I'm primarily talking about institutional transmisogyny, since it is a lot more intentional and specific about who it targets.

The people targeted by systemic transmisogyny are treated terribly interpersonally as well.
Yes, interpersonal transmisogyny sometimes targets TMEs, because cis people sometimes don't make a distinction.

That doesn't change the fact that TMA people have very specific oppression in how we're treated consistently in pretty much every context.
If you haven't noticed that pretty much every single anti-trans law is specifically targeted at trans women (and other TMA people), you either haven't cared about transmisogyny enough to pay attention, or don't want to acknowledge oppression dynamics between trans people.
Acknowledging that a certain group of trans people is disproportionally targeted in institutional, systemic, and interpersonal injustice isn't trying to erase the struggle of trans people that aren't. It's simply stating factual observations.
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