@ariearieinfree I may be telling you things you already know but I really wish some bright young researcher would look into the history of the smiley/frowny chart 1-10 scale pain chart. 1/5
I am convinced from my own experience as a health care provider that it was introduced in tandem with the marketing of the “less addictive” opioids. I don’t have any proof of that but wish someone would look into it. 2/5
On my tinfoil hat days I think that JCOH was either in on it or co-opted so heavily by Big Pharma that they are complicit with the beginnings of the opioid epidemic. 3/5
I know this doesn’t really follow your great thread about pain management but it is all a piece of the bigger puzzle. Pain management got sloppy and casual once these supposedly “safe” painkillers began to be pushed by Pharma sales folks and doctors. 4/5
Personally I remember being punished by the powers that were if I allowed anyone to walk out of my exam room in any pain at all. Not an atmosphere conducive to good collaborative pain management. Especially when you were supposed to be seeing a patient every 15 minutes.5/5
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