Ok Twitter; let’s work some magic and do your thing here. Today, Central Patrol officers were at a vacant motel on a property crimes investigation. They found these Army documents from 1942 among some stolen property.
We believe these are stolen too and want to get them back to the owner or his family. If anyone knows Army Sergeant Carl A. Wolfe who served at Ft Riley in 1942 These documents can be retrieved at CPD/call Officer Getman 816-234-5510. @USArmy @FightingFirst
UPDATE: The officers who found the documents have been in touch with Carl’s family and are planning to meet up today to return them. Stay tuned!
SUCCESS! This Carl Jr. With his father’s documents safely back in his hands. Thanks Kansas City for coming together to help out a complete stranger, it’s always fun to see how awesome this community is! (Photo credit Officer Getman: taken outdoors >6ft distance)
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