It needs to be remembered that the minimum wage was not created as “What’s the least legally we can pay people.” It was created as “This is the base people need to keep themselves fed, clothed, and in housing.” If minimum wage isn’t doing that, it needs to be higher. HELLO?!?!
It was also created to be the starting point to higher wages awarded over time. Not some wage dungeon people remain in for years. Minimum wage was supposed to support workers. Not employers, businesses, or the fucking economy.
To say that people should remain in poverty so the wealth of others suffers no minuscule loss is wrong. Why is it right for a majority to be in poverty while a tiny group amasses wealth they’ll never live long enough to spend? This is an evil practice and must be rejected.
“But the wealthy earned that money!” No, they did not. They work no harder than people earning minimum wage, therefore, this does not stand up to reason. Nor is inherited wealth earned. Or wealth earned by social inequalities, for that matter. That is unearned and unjust wealth.
“We can’t keep increasing minimum wage!” Very well, then let us pass a maximum wage and say a CEO may not be paid more than his employees. It’s fair. It’s equal. But watch how fast they would oppose being held to a true standard of equality in wage.
The fact is, the wealthy require a system based upon inequality and injustice to ensure they remain in control. By this, they control the economy and the political system. This is the true reason they oppose increasing minimum wage. It lessens their power over people.
It needs to be known that any system that furthers poverty is an evil one. Any system that furthers suffering is hazardous to a society as a whole. There are no sound excuses for it. It is simply selfishness and greed and we know those to be character flaws.
If selfishness and greed are character flaws, how much more so when this is applauded in the economic system itself? This, in turn, riddles the political system with these false values and there is injustice throughout the land enforced by unjust laws and politicians.
Greed has been known as evil for thousands of years. Every sacred text says so, so none can say they don’t know this if they claim to have read those books. And why was this written? Because greed destroys societies. We are witnessing this in our own right now.
So, no, greed is NOT good. Children are taught this, but upon adulthood, hypocrisy appears and inculcates that greed is actually good. This is the path of foolishness. Anyone who opposes a higher minimum wage is practicing greed and selfishness as their cherished values.
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