Thinking a lot about policy research gaps post Mandate letter binge. The last thing this country needs is another white paper, but there are the five macro areas where Canada could really use better research to support the climate priorities outlined in these mandates:
1–EDI & Clean growth: We need better data/research on range of issues at intersection of equity/inclusivity and clean growth, ranging from macro concepts (like frameworks to measure spending program performance) to local (like air pollution impacts on marginalized communities)
2-Adaption impacts on infrastructure: Not just physical. Critical tech, public health, basic utilities – we need a way better understanding of how climate impacts will impact each in different regions to start making adaption/resilience boosting investments ASAP
3-Non-market barriers to transition: Most barriers to net-zero are non-monetary. Weird bylaws, onerous regs, lack of planning capacity/accessible tools – all impede project development, and need to be better understood before they can be overcome for individuals + communities
4-Economic Growth: Where will Canada’s economic growth be coming from in the next two decades? Transitions are expensive, and we need a bustling economy to finance ours. Need more research on how clean growth can serve as the backbone for growth, not just investment + innovation
5-Deep dives into how net-zero impacts “most people”: SMEs, non-metropolitan municipalities, marginalized communities, rural regions, regions like Atlantic Canada & the North, so many more - all need more support to ensure they don’t end up taking giant losses in a transition
I think I’ve read about 50 too many papers on the competitiveness impacts of carbon pricing schemes. That work is important – but more focus/energy is also needed on other issues that have just as pressing implications for CAD. Looking forward to doing some of that work ourselves
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