Nietzsche suggests that the development of a culture must happen at a *certain* pace, a careful pace.

This, then, is the job of the conservative - to slow the pace to an *andante* and to prevent it from progressing too quickly.
But it *must* progress... The point is not to stop the progressive march - this is impossible - rather to slow it to an acceptable pace.
In this excellent thread, @kwamurai associates the left with a top-down approach, and the right with a bottom-up approach.
We can also characterise the binary as follows:

Left - Right
Conscious - Unconscious
Left brain - Right brain
The progressive march, then, is the advance of the left-hemisphere - of conscious purpose.

Conscious purpose has its uses, but it specialises in leading us into error - because it is always, and necessarily, limited in its view of things.
And so Nietzsche reminds us that consciousness must always be regulated by 'the instincts' - i.e. by unconsciousness.

The left-hemisphere must always be regulated - kept in check - by the right.
McGilchrist suggests that modernity can be characterised by a left-hemi imbalance: the left is unfettered, increasingly free of the tempering influence of the right.

The andante becomes a relic - is scorned for being too plodding, too restrictive - too reactionary.
The left hops from one thing to another - smashing boundaries and toppling statues - pluming itself on how *progressive* it is. But what it fails to realise is that its victories are tipping the scales dangerously in one direction...
The more it ignores the tempering voice of the *right* - traditions, instincts, the unconscious - the more likely it is to progress straight off a cliff, taking the rest of us with it.
But it isn't just the SJWs, the 'libtards', or the 'globohomos' - it's every neomaniac with his foot jammed on the accelerator... Elon included. All embody the same underlying malignancy: unhinged consciousness.
The left always wins because the left hemisphere - conscious purpose - always wins. Cthulu always swims left because it is, in a sense, the only direction he *can* swim...
If politics is the problem, then you can't solve it by more politics. Likewise, if conscious purpose is the problem, then surely more consciousness will only make things worse...
But we can't go back, can we? McGilchrist - referencing Merleau-Ponty's notion of 'hyper-reflection' - seems to suggest that the way out is through... Bostrom thinks likewise
I'm half-convinced. Well, maybe a quarter.
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