I'm exhausted. Been helping to transfer intubated patients around the hospital and resuscitate deteriorating patients on the ward in conjunction with colleagues from ICU. But there are still urgent and emergency operations taking place. Its relentless... Our ICUs are overflowing.
Just as I was leaving hospital there were 2 more patients still needing to be intubated and ventilated. Nurses are all running ragged. We are stuffing beds into spaces that can't even be properly called bedspaces anymore. I've never felt desperation like this in the NHS before.
This is the result of allowing the pandemic to get out of hand. We are running out of capacity to treat people for both COVID and non-COVID illnesses. By not staying one step ahead of case numbers we have allowed our health service to become overwhelmed. We are firefighting now.
The COVID deniers, anti-lockdown brigade and "Great" Barrington liars all deserve to be shot. They have brought us to this point where access to healthcare is being affected for EVERYONE. And for what agenda? "Free speech"? "Balanced debate"? Try telling that to the people dying.
You can follow @dannyjnwong.
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