1/ Thread on @adam3us because he's the head of @Blockstream ; an organization that he created as a power grab over #Bitcoin to subvert its direction into a money making machine to salvage all of his previously failed experiments in crypto. @zooko is his student. https://twitter.com/adam3us/status/1350545191627845637
2/ We already know about 'hashcash', everyone talks about it all the time. But do you all know about 'Zero Knowledge Systems'?

That's a company he co-founded *way back when* with Sammy Hill

2a/ Curiously, the former CEO of Blockstream (before Adam Back), was Austin Hill - the same Austin Hill from the Zero Knowledge System company that they had created with one another.

source: https://www.cnbc.com/austin-hill/ 
3/ Notably, the Wikipedia entry for ‘Zero Knowledge Systems’ states that the goal was to, “combine cypherpunk principles with a for-profit technology”.

Blockstream appears to have a similar goal with Bitcoin, whom many have attributed or associated with the ‘cypherpunk’ movement
4/ Unsurprisingly, 'Zero Knowledge Systems' went belly up shortly after its inception

Source: https://www.wired.com/2001/10/leading-anonymity-system-to-end/

For further reading, I *highly* recommend: http://cryptome.org/zks-v-tcm.htm 
5/ Fast forward to today though - Adam Back has been doing big business with @Blockstream ; no conspiracies like the Bildeberg - truth is stranger than fiction.

From Bloomberg, this was the company orientation (checked a little while ago maybe it shifted)
6/ Who is 'Reid Garrett Hoffman'? And what's 'Greylock Partners'? Hmm.

Should be some more information on their site at least
7/ Ew, is that Mark Zuckerberg on the cover of their website? Lol.

Actually, this makes a lot of sense. Because if you go back to the MIT Media Lab (they're super tight with Bitcoin), we can see that a lot of members from there transplanted to Libra.

Wonder if this bridged it
8a/ "Since then, other members of DCI have left to work on Facebook’s Libra...Associate professor Christian Catalini from MIT’s DCR Study, is head economist for Calibra, and professor Silvio Micali has since founded Algorand, a digital currency with a lottery-based consensus"
9/ Back to @adam3us ; have you ever wondered the reason for his staunch defense of Tether (USDT)?

I mean, after all, @Tether_to has nothing to do with Blockstream....right?..
10/ @Tether_to is a seed investor in @Blockstream

Proof = https://soundcloud.com/user-173875295/bitfinex-itself-will-not-be-taking-a-haircut#t=20:09 (it should start automatically playing at 20:09).

Indivudla speaking = Zane Tackett (Dir. of Community & Product Dev. for BFX)
11/ Hmm. Guess that explains why Liquid has embraced them so hard. Honestly, shameless. Check out who else @Blockstream colludes with under @adam3us ; no wonder he's such a staunch defender!
12/ At http://coredev.tech  they tell us about the "invite only" meetings that they host annually where major code is merged without the input of anyone but the elite special few

See how open source and inviting Bitcoin is?

@_jonasschnelli_ the profiteer. Banksy won't help
14/ We're just getting started on @adam3us and @Blockstream ; wait till you find out about how they're connected *directly* to Crypto Capital Co. (you guys made one critical blunder that made drawing the connection child's play)

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