1) 🚨BREAKING: Whistleblowers detail financial corruption and racist retaliation at troubled charter school. Teachers come forward with affidavits and docs supporting claims that students were scrutinized and interrogated based on their racial/gender/sexual/religious identities.
2) Plaintiff William Clark seeks to have his failing grade removed for the racist workshop so that he may graduate.

Claims that "defendants alter, inflate and misrepresent their grading, attendance, and curriculum as it suits them for various purposes."
3) CLAIM "But for Defendants’ intentional racial prejudice, William would not have received a failing grade for his 'Sociology of Change' class."

These subjective grading practices are supported testimonies from teachers and administrators, and business records.
4) Recap on racist teaching methods:
5) When Plaintiff WIlliam Clark objected to these lessons, he was given a failing grade and no alternative class to receive equal credit. To graduate he must subject himself to the same racially prejudiced teaching in the "Sociology of Change" workshop.
6) One "Sociology of Change" class "erupted into racially charged tumult" forcing the teacher to terminate discussion.
7) When Plaintiffs complained to the school Principal, they made it clear that the "Sociology of Change course is still a valuable learning experience for William (and his classmates) and will continue to be a required course for graduation."
8) Violating the Plaintiff's First Amendment rights, he now "requests injunctive relief ordering Defendants to expunge the grade they conferred upon him in retaliation... for resisting their coercive, invasive and discriminatory curricular assignments and classroom sessions."
9) "Plaintiff’s poor performance in the class was the result of the racial hostility and harassment baked into it, and this affected Plaintiff disparately on account of his generally perceived race and color."

Claims failing grade was an act of "retaliation" against Plaintiff.
10) Plaintiff is requesting his failing grade in the Sociology of Change class to be expunged, and for a temporary restraining order against Defendants.
11) Whistleblower testimonies to follow shortly.
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