Someday, someone is going to have to wipe your parent's ass, and clean up their shit.

That person makes minimum wage.

Even if that person learns to code, and moves on to write ads,

Someone still needs to wipe your parent's ass and clean up their shit.
Even if the janitor working there for minimum wage gets his hustle on, and becomes a big social media influencer,

Someone still needs to mop shit up.
Someone still needs to clean shit up. These jobs don't go away after the person doing them learns how to code or whatever.

These jobs still exist even if everyone knows how to code and got their side hustles going.

Someone still needs clean up the shit.
These jobs, unlike your job if you are the kind of shithead who complains about minimum wage, are actually important. They don't go away.

No amount of dot com boom and bust changes the fact that your parent's ass must be cleaned.
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