this drivel i expect from a first year grad student who then is taught by their prof need for more nuance in their analysis and to consider while there were common threads across the uprisings against the arab regimes, we must also not ignore the differenses. massad is a dipshit.
it is the regimes and their backers who destroyed the uprisings. if you dont start there, and without any whitewashing of gaddafi and assad in any way, you can shove your analysis.
i am done with leftie academics judging activists under oppressive regimes as liberals while they build their careers at neoliberal af universities
ppl keep creating boogeymen to explain why the uprisings failed when all you have to do is show the videos of tanks in the streets, hospitals being bombed, and prisoners testifying about the torture they endured.
the collaboration to defeat these uprisings has been exhaustive. and sadly many on the left across the globe joined these efforts. leftists collaborating with imperialists against ppl movements.
once you acknowledge and analyze all that, then you can talk about how these conditions ended up exacerbating the normal issues that come up during the course of liberation movements.
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