When I see Justice Dem-funded legislators going out of their way to attack progressive legislation *and* fighting with their own one-month ago selves, I assume that their funders are more important to them than passing progressive legislation.
Justice Dems’ stated goal is to get existing Democrats out of Congress and replaced by Justice Dems.
That goal is incompatible with passing good progressive legislation these next two years.
The only way they can support their thesis that they problem is Democrats, is by internal opposition to progressive legislation proposed by Democrats, and by telling their supporters they are opposing the progressive legislation for bogus “progressive” reasons.
They set up a game: story- “Democrats are the problem”
Challenge: how do we make that stick when Democrats propose things we support?
This is why there is, in practice, a difference between a progressive legislator and a Justice Dem legislator. The former wants progress and will take the opportunity when available. The latter has a story they need to justify, even at the expense of progress.
I keep watching AOC to see if the importance of legislation will overwhelm her loyalty to the story.
So far she keeps disappointing me.
If your motive is progressive legislation, you reward proposals for progressive legislation. If your motive is to take down Democrats, you attack Democratic proposals for progressive legislation https://mobile.twitter.com/eminently_me5/status/1350527992297107459
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