1. So Armin #Laschet will now head the #CDU and will most likely be the next #Bundeskanzler after the next German general #election in September 2021.

What does it all mean? A thread:

#CDUVorsitz #Merz #Roettgen #Merkel #Germany #Future
2. One the Pro-side: #Laschet is currently the head of the government of North Rhine-Westphalia ( #NRW), the biggest state in #Germany, with 19 million people.

#CDUParteitag #CDUVorsitz #Merz #Roettgen
3. In this role one could describe #Laschet as a moderate conservative, who cares for the people in #NRW and certainly followed no top-down-leadership style.

#CDUParteitag #CDUVorsitz
4. And the Cons? #Laschet was always very close to #Merkel - Was also clear in the speech he gave today.
Is he a Mini- #Merkel like #AKK would have been? Not really, but do not expect real change under Laschet.

#CDUParteitag #CDUVorsitz #Merkel- #CDU
5. #Merkel already often decided more pro- #EU than pro- #Germany (see billions of € flowing from GER to other EU states via the #Corona-funds or GER backing the #Euro, see also billions to Greece) - It seems under #Laschet this will continue!

#CDUParteitag #CDUVorsitz #CDU
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