My wife is loading up Season 1, Episode 1. Here goes nothing. Live tweet time. I hope I don’t disappoint.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
I’ve watched and (mostly) enjoyed the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice (circa 1995). In fact, I quoted Mr Darcy to my wife this morning.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Good opening music. A big fan of movie music so glad to hear some good opening music.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Charlotte taking control right away.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
I can’t imagine being a father and letting my daughter go off with two people I didn’t know. Times have changed i suppose.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Nice landscapes and scenery.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Lady Denham....doesn’t seem like type I’d want to cross. Not so impressed with Charlotte.

Lady Denham...reminds of my grandma....said what she wanted to.l and didn’t care.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Looking forward to more of Lady Denham’s dialogue.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Wow. Lady Denham telling Charlotte in no uncertain terms to pound salt and stay away from her nephew.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon

I like Arthur so far.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
I think people should wear formal suits and dresses to the beach these days.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Whoa. Horses pulling the bathing hut and a very naked Arthur.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
“I swear I will poison her.”

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Esther seems like a not so pleasant lady.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Here comes the famous Sidney.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
The workings of the class system are always fascinating in these shows. The ball scene brings so many of them out.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Wow, the cellist must be rocking out. His bow is shredded. Quite the party.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Wow. Sidney not impressed with Charlotte’s thoughts. Not the best first impression.

He reminded me of a Mr. Darcy type character when he appeared and the conversation at the end was very much a Mr. Darcy conversation.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
Interesting character dynamics on display. I’ll watch the rest. Hope I didn’t disappoint with any of my comments.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
A little confused with the connections of all of the characters. Hopefully it’ll make more sense as it goes.

#SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS #Sanditon
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