Vande Guru Paramparaam
OM Vishnave Namaha
Thread on “Naarasimha Vapuhu Shriman” –from Vishnu Sahasaranamam (based on Narasimha Tapaniya Upanishad ) – Mumukshu Paasya Devata

(Don't know why but when I see this image of Lord Narasimha hugging Child Prahalada, it makes me cry)
In our modern world, we come across many so called “Hindus” who say, we are religious but do not believe in rituals. We celebrate Deepawali, Christmas, Id everything. Basically, they want to appear Secular.
We will see how they are grossly mistaken.
Purushartha [Purush (human being) + Artha (objective) ] are 4
1)Dharma (righteousness)
2)Artha (wealth creation)
3)Kaama (desire)
4)Moksha (Liberation)
The modern 21st century people run behind (2) & (3) – they don’t want to be right (1) and are completely ignorant about (4) – hence they appear liberal and say they do not believe in rituals.
Shri AdiSankara Bhagavat Patala quotes Narasimha Taapaniya Upanishad in stating...
...that, Bhagwan Narasimhan is indeed MumkshuPaasya Devata.
Bhagawan Ramanuja, Swami Desikan, Shri Raghavendra Swamy and many more noble souls are equal in declaring that the one who grants Moksham is Narasimha.
Bhagawan Narasimhan gives his blessings only to selected devotees – they need to upgrade themselves in the Mumukshupadi to be enable to get HIS Grace (just like Prahalada)
There are some devotees who have genuine fear – Can we pray to Narasimha? He looks so ferocious.
Can we keep his photo in our house? My answer is simple. During the Avatara of Narasimha, though Hiranyakashyapu was gigantic built and an Asura – it was he who was afraid of Narasimha – whereas the 5 year old child, Prahalada was not at all afraid.
In fact after killing Hiranyakashyapu, Lord Narasimha was very ferocious and nobody, including Mahalakshmi could approach him, EXCEPT, Prahalada (because of his single point bhakti towards Narasimha). Now ask the same question to yourself.
Do you want to be like Prahalada or Hiranyakashyapu? Your answer will tell if henceforth you will fear or love Narasimha. SIMPLE .
Coming back to rituals, only when we go as per the rituals enshrined by our forefathers, we will become inquisitive for the reason behind the...
...rituals, which will lead to questioning – which will lead to knowledge. Only when we get knowledge, we will know that wealth creation and desire is temporary and our final aim has to be an end to chain of birth and deaths, hence we seek liberation – Moksha.
A person who wishes to get away from the cycle of birth and death is a Mumukshu. Whereas Mumukshutva is the power which gives the inclination to seek Vairagyam (dispassion) and detachment.
Now some of you may ask, we are living in a world with real relatives and...
...and responsibilities –how can we leave and go to a forest? We can aim for Moksha while doing our worldly duty. Remember, Bhagawan Krishna in Bhagawad Geetha : Attachment with detachment – Do your duty without attachment for the result – Sarvam Krishnaarpanam.
Sri Nammalvar in Periya Thiruvandadi

Adar Pon Mudiyaanai, Ayiram Peraanai
Sudar Kol Sudar Azhiyaanai, Idar Kadiyum
Matha pithavaaga vaithen yenadhu ulle, Yaadhu Aagil Yaadhe Ini

Om Namo Narasimhaya
Sri Hi : 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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