Someone tried to seriously demotivate me today (Thread)🧵💔

Today, I went to someone's house with my mother.
Let's call this person mr. A-whole.

(Just so you know mr. A-whole and I met for the first time.
We know nothing about each other. )

After 5 minutes of conversation..
with my mother he asked me, "What do you do?"

Me: "I am a final year CSE undergrad."

Mr. A-whole: "So, does your university have On-Campus placements?"

Me: "Yes"

mr. A-whole: "That is good. You should definitely try to get a job though placements"

Me: "Well, I have a different plan. I am going to further continue my studies."

(Obviously the plan is quite elaborate and I wouldn't tell a person who have met me just 5 minutes ago)

mr A-whole: "So M. tech.?"

Me: "No I'll do self study for a while. Not a degree."

mr A-whole:

"You don't look like a person who is disciplined. Through my experience I can tell you can't do self study. You should definitely try to get a job...blah blah blah my collogues destroyed their career... blah blah blah.

And then he spent the next 5 minutes ripping my dreams into pieces.
Shredding away my capability without having the slightest idea of who I am, what I do, what I am going through right now (which is a lot).

He basically told me I can't do anything (from looking at me once.)
Well mr. A-whole I am going to be honest. It did break my heart and I didn't say anything to you because you were older and my sacraments and my ethics didn't allow me to disrespect an elder.
And you know what mr. A-whole , joke's on you.

Self study is the best thing for a software developer and I will be more disciplined than I EVER WAS.

Thank you for trying to shred my dreams in front of me.
Moral of the story:

Don't try to rip someone's dreams (without even knowing about what the dreams are :P (and also in general ))

Don't demotivate someone.

Constructive feedback is one thing and shredding someone's opinion is another.
Well their are more morals to be learnt from this story but the most important one is

Screw mr A-whole.

I ain't giving up and in-fact I'll try even harder.
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