Theydies and gentlethem, it is my great pleasure and supreme satisfaction to announce that the winner of the DRIED DURUM WHEAT PASTA WORLD CUP 2021 is




Perfect with pesto, vibrant with vongole, luscious with lobster, lovely just with lemon and Parmigiano reggiano. This elliptical long pasta is versatile, elegant, and a staple of the dry goods cupboard. Let's hear it for LINGUINE!!!
And spare a thought for our handsome, chunky rival who gave linguine a very tough run over the last 24 hours. It was a close race!
Lift a glass, everyone, to LINGUINE. Drink a toast to the runner up RIGATONI. And feel grateful that ours is a world filled with pasta of every shape and colour for every class, gender, walk of life. Pastadiversity and abundance to all in 2021!
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