DC Military and Lockdown is a psyops -Thread and Theory. First, you have a fragile elderly man who is being installed on the 20th. The guy who threatens everyone who disagrees with him and doesn't just nod and go along, he hated being in Obama's shadow and always was quick
To want to use force. Think about the arguements with voters, the threats to fight potus, the threats with Ukraine (quid pro quo), Wanting the Logan act on Flynn, Hell, even Corn Pop. This guy always wants to show how tough he is, because of his frail and sad ego.
Now optics to the world, they are going to say all of this extra protection is because of the capital incident. That those of us who oppose dems, the election results and more are so unhinged we cant be trusted. We are such a threat, because of what we believe, including 2A
That they couldn't take a chance. This will play out more when they start discussing 2A later. This will play out more when they begin talking more about making MAGA a terror group (already had rumblings). This will play out as they continue to demonize anyone who they
feel is an opposition. Despite any facts, they will point to the capital and the inauguration lengths they went through and say "we had to do that, because of how they are". This is all for optics for the political hacks, and ego control for a frail old man.
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