Disney + has these super cute little mini docs. On one, a Pixar script supervisor is talking about how she noticed that their movies were heavily weighted towards more male characters, and male characters having more lines...
So she started counting. In the first script she counted 90% of the lines were spoken by male characters. When she distributed the script she simply noted the fact. With every version of the script, she would simply let folks know the gender breakdown....
They started giving more lines to female characters right away. Eventually people started to expect to see a gender breakdown, and they used it to make the movies better. They later built a tool into the software that automatically tracks it...
The last script they produced (Soul) was 50/50 male/female spoken lines. I just thought that was such a cool example of how one person can change a corporate culture. And she did it in the way she felt comfortable doing it...
She didn't want to say "Hey! Ya'll are fucking up!" The way I probably would have, lol. She simply kept providing the information until it worked. A reminder that there are so many ways to do the right thing. You just have to find your way, and do it.
Her name is Jessica Heidt, and the doc series is called Inside Pixar. A great watch if you have kids who are into animation, or if you have been stuck inside for a year and have watched everything else available.
Oh no! Some people are taking this thread to mean that I think it's "better" to work quietly. I think my track record would show that I don't, lol. I'm saying that if you don't have the personality to be loud, there are ways to still be helpful. Do it the way that works for you!
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