There are domestic terrorist groups in our state who have planned a massacre of epic proportions at the Capitol. (ie-see those indicted in the plot re the Gov).

W/O metal detectors, the law enf agencies charged with security are virtually helpless to prevent such an incident.
You have the legal authority to ban firearms. Not only did I issue a formal AG opinion saying so, but then you hired your own high priced silk-stocking law firm attorney who issued a memo agreeing with my opinion.
If cost is the issue, I will personally lobby the Fed Govt for a grant, raise the $ from private donors, or find a company willing to gift the SOM metal detectors for the Captiol Building. There are multiple ways to find the $. What is the price of lost lives from such an event?
I have spent my career ignoring those who insisted something that never happened before could nvr be done. MI can’t have marriage & adoption for LGBT people. MI can’t have 3 women as executive office holders. The list goes on and on.
I refuse to stop pushing for the safety of our state residents and those who visit our state. This is a simple, common sense measure already utilized in the vast majority of states in America.
If this makes me a jerk, so be it. If hurt feelings are the sacrifice for saving human lives, I can live with it. Not using my office to encourage what it right means others cannot.

The Captiol is not safe.
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