Know how Facebook will auto-suggest names as you type them? Well, yesterday as I typed "Camp Auschwitz" in reference to t-shirts worn by white nationalists who attacked the US Capitol, Facebook began to auto-suggest people with the name "Auschwitz." Huh?! 1/11
This led me down quite a rabbit hole. Turns out there are some people whose surname actually is "Auschwitz" (change it maybe?) There's an extended Auschwitz family in Oklahoma, for example; some are on LinkedIn. One is a skincare consultant! 2/11
But searching further for "Auschwitz" on Facebook leads to lots of unsavoury people. Many put down Auschwitz as a place of work, with jobs like "gasman" or "commandant."

(There also are people who do work at Auschwitz, at the memorial in Poland or at various foundations) 3/11
I spent an hour or so reporting to Facebook many of the profiles where people joked or fantasized about their "jobs" at Auschwitz. It was pretty sick. Eventually I had to stop. I could have gone on all night. 4/11
I am wondering why a smart Jewish boy like Mark Zuckerberg can't develop a simple algorithm to flag people who include "Auschwitz" as a name or place of work, and subject such profiles to review. Of course he can. Why hasn't he? 5/11
But that would require one to assume that Facebook would agree such profiles are offensive and inappropriate. But guess what happened to most of my reports? Facebook determined they did not violate its “community standards”. 6/11
Like this profile from “Amin Yahouse” which has two followers and lists its occupation as “Gasman at Auschwitz”. Facebook determined this was not a violation of its “community standards”. 7/11
Similarly, Facebook did not think that "Dra Gon" (also a "Gas Engineer at Auschwitz") was a fake profile. Facebook said this profile did not violate its “community standards”. 8/11
"Leon Shitpost" who apparently works "Inside Hitler's Bunker" was also determined not to be a violation of Facebook's “community standards”. 9/11
Facebook suggests reporting "something specific" that may be offensive. But it’s not possible to report specific elements of a profile’s “About” details. So it’s easy to announce you’re a “gas engineer at Auschwitz” and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. 10/11
I’m not sure what it takes to violate community standards at Facebook, but winks and nods about the Holocaust from obviously fake accounts apparently aren’t enough. White supremacy seems to run deep on Facebook. 11/11

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