how to be respectful in twitch chat, bc a lot of you need it
1. follow the streamers rules, no being racist, homophobic, transphobic etc.

(this is also just in general)
2. do not donate/ sub weird messages.
3. never ever say your age, or location in the chat.

saying your location is always a bad idea and if youre under 13 on twitch you can get in trouble so keep it to yourself

the mods are there for a reason, they help keep order in the chat. if they time you out its bc you did something you werent supposed to be doing.
5. ignore the lurkers

if you notice another cc is watching the stream, dont say hi to them unless they type in chat.

if they havent spoken ignore them, they should be allowed to watch their friend without being bombarded with messages

if you spam copypastas and think you are hahaha funny, stop bc i promise you its not funny at all.

its also a way to get into sub only mode.
6. never ever mention if another streamers is streaming.

if another cc goes live dont say "oh ... is live im gonna watch them"

its incredibly disrespectful and just annoying
6. dont spam

pls dont spam shit like "play hayloft" or like "play your new boyfriend" or "can i get an owa owa"

its annoying and incredibly embarrassing... spamming in general is just shitty so dont do it
i cant think of anything else so lmk if i missed something and ill add it to the thread
(add on)

dont dono/ sub with "controversial" topics and or "can you please say ... rights"

it puts them on the spot and they can slip up and say something they dont mean/ seem disingenuous
(add on)


its annoying and the spam can lag people
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