Lots of talk about #MinimumWage being $15. Let’s go for a walk here. Fun fact, average US rent is roughly $1500 /mo. That’s a 52 work week at $7.25 /hr JUST TO PAY RENT. 2 gal of milk or 6 gal of gas is an hrs worth of work. 1/8
If your argument is that prices will go up, they already have and wages haven’t gone with them. If your argument is that people should work better jobs, who do you think is going to serve you that food or check you out at the grocery store then? Your want demands those jobs. 2/8
And how can they get a better job when they can’t afford to buy food, let alone pay for college? College on average is $25k a year, so 66 hrs a week to pay for that. Keeping track that’s 118 hrs a week for room school. Still not eating anything. 3/8
But Sean that’ll make their salary nearly as much as mine! So? You’re not better than them. Try a little compassion and understanding for your neighbor. Your happiness/satisfaction shouldn’t depend on being the highest earner on the block. 4/8
EVERY job is important/needed, or we wouldn’t have it. If people can’t survive on a job, and they all collectively decided to “find a better job”, then you can fix your car yourself, make your own lattes, and clean your own office. Don’t see anyone volunteering for that. 5/8
The livable wage in this country is a systematic problem involving lots of factors. A big one of which is, and always has been, greed. People at the top want more $$ and offload the cost to the employees and consumers. 6/8
The billionaire class of America, 614 people, increased their net wealth by nearly $1 TRILLION THIS YEAR. They could collective send every man, woman, and child in this country a $3000 check and still be the billionaires they were last year. 7/8
So no, it’s not avocado toast (who does this?) and lattes that’s keeping people from supporting themselves. It’s hard to pull yourself up by the bootstraps when you can’t afford them, or food, because you’re working 188 hrs/wk for shelter and school. *steps off soapbox* 8/8
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