The beauty of the broadening of sense perception during the process of awakening is unique.

I still remember my ceremonies every galactic marker, every solstice and every equinox, I was delighted when beloved elementals entered my body and activated my sensations on crazy,absurd
and magical levels!

Taste makes me delight in every flavor that exploded in me with thousands of new sensations, so I enjoy enormously every bite, every inhalation, every kiss seems to be the last one always! lol
My sense of smell ... I could and I can see the colors associated with each smell, feeling its origin and the mixture of smells is confused as an infinite, powerful and unique amalgam that generates a deep pleasure and enervate my senses.
The sounds. Wow. I could hear miles away, and every step of the insects, the whispers of plants and elementals mocking my perceptions so limited that they were offered unique and isolated in which each sense was only a piece apart. not way... sound are magical an powerful
The amplified view is a monumental and unique phenomenon...not only being able to see at great distances, but seeing every detail until I enter the microscopic niel and see the heartbeat of every cell, the piezoelectric sensation of every movement, and when I close them and
connect with the whole...see beyond this reality.

This took me years... I decided to enjoy every eternal moment of each sensation until little by little I understood that by amplifying my sense of touch and learning to receive and transmit sensations, psychometry was awakened,
and the other abilities such as clairvoyance, clairvoyance, etc. were associated with a sharp, deep and intimate perception of the Cosmos of each sensation that our five senses and the sixth as intuition allows us to develop.
Therefore we are the temple where he lives,our wonderful temple called physical body and the combination of other subtle bodies is a beautiful galactic portal,is also the feeling of our divine spark and carrier of all codes of light that we download,create,mix, share and channel
Let's honor it every day and listen to it carefully, let's talk to it, to every cell. So he will tell us how to take better care of him. I remember that one of the teachings that I value very much is that each one of us is unique. So the way we feed ourselves, the habits of
purification and purity,the care about flexibility and strength and rest and fun are a combination that everyone should discover

What encourages one,makes the other sick. So each one honors himself and the Creation by obtaining that perfect combination that only makes the best
profit for Him.

Hugs from the soul dear family.
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