I don’t understand the “but where will the money come from” argument on minimum wage. Do people think the cost of a living wage only exists when you actually pay it?? Where do you think the money comes from now?
Like when you don’t pay a living wage, the costs of living still get paid somewhere. Whether it’s taxes/govt (county health clinics, affordable housing, social services) or communities/charities (food banks, etc), someone is making up for what companies aren’t paying workers!
It’s not like the costs of living go away when you don’t pay people wages that are enough for them to live on. Raising minimum wage moves paying for those costs AWAY from govt/community TO the companies that actually employ people
This also eliminates a big cost that’s more nebulous: when you’re poor or broke you’re very stressed all the fucking time. Lowering people’s stress level is a very important benefit! When people aren’t so stressed they can do and contribute so much more!
PS: it’s not a mystery why wealthy CEOs and corporations hate minimum wage. They don’t want to pay fair wages AND they don’t want to pay their share of taxes. Someone else absorbs the costs! The mystery is why middle class folks fall for it!
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