"More than THREE TIMES as many people in the last SIX MONTHS than it had in the previous SIX DECADES" - Justice Sotomayor

#AbolishTheDeathPenalty #Higgs @helenprejean
"THIS IS NOT JUSTICE" - Justice Sotomayor

#AbolishTheDeathPenalty #Higgs @helenprejean
"How Just is a legal system that would execute an individual without consideration of a novel or significant legal question that he has raised?" - Justice Breyer

#AbolishTheDeathPenalty #Higgs @helenprejean
I will also mention that this administration executed more people at the federal level since late 2019 than ALL 50 STATES COMBINED

Shame on William Barr, shame on President Trump...this rush to execute people has been DISGUSTING and IMMORAL

#AbolishTheDeathPenalty #Higgs
The death penalty has been applied in error many times (see @innocence), it is unquestionably applied in a racially disparate manner, and killing people to demonstrate that killing is wrong is not only counterintuitive, it is absurd

#AbolishTheDeathPenalty #Higgs
Last but not least, TELEVISION NEWS MEDIA, you do a serious disservice to justice when you refuse to cover executions until AFTER they happen....the time to raise questions is BEFORE AN EXECUTION not after an execution


#AbolishTheDeathPenalty #Higgs
As someone who knows many human beings who were sentenced for murder.....and has seen them come back from incarceration to accomplish incredible and life-saving things....it is time we RECONSIDER our commitment to BRUTALITY and start investing in mercy

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