One of the absolutely most batshit things you see get thrown around about the minimum wage is that low income professionals like red state public school teachers will all quit their jobs and take "easier" fast food jobs instead.
there really are certain jobs - lumberjacks, deep-sea-alaskan fisherman, solar roof installers - that command premium wages in part because the job is unpleasant or dangerous, but for the most part, job conditions and wages inversely correlate.
There's a just-world instinct for some people that causes them to think higher wage earners must be "earning" it through harder jobs when usually they just have more in-demand skills or qualifications, which are the same things that allow them to secure better working conditions
Taken to its extreme, you get the absurd spectacle of CEOs trying to justify their salaries by adopting show-offy "RISE AND GRIND" schedules, when the reality is that you're in air conditioned meetings all day while someone brings you coffee and does your dry cleaning.
Shit, he's right. I screwed this up. "In general, the more money you make the less likely you are to have shitty working conditions" is what I mean to say
The hardest job I ever had, in terms of how stressful, demanding and exhausting it was, was as a busboy at a busy restaurant where I made a total of like $9/hour once tips were added.
The only job I ever had in "fast food" was actually easy - delivery driver at a Pizza Hut in suburban Maryland - but revealingly the job was easier than other fast food jobs because it required something many low wage workers didn't have (enough capital to have a reliable car)
It was also a much less good deal wage-wise than it appeared (I probably cleared ~$11/hr including tips) once you calculated the cost of the gas and mileage you were accumulating on your vehicle.
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