Time to start predicting how they will die.
From the top-
1 Donald Judas Trump died of a massive coronary that *could* have been natural, but came just days after he offered to testify against everyone he's ever done business with as part of a desperate attempt to get a plea deal https://twitter.com/Spinneyhead/status/1325232649175232512
2 Don Jr was run over by a USPS lorry as he tried to snort the road markings on 5th Avenue.
3 Eric starved to death trapped in a cupboard. The door handle said PULL, but he insisted on pushing all the time.
4 Ivanka visited one of her Chinese factories and was never seen again
5 Jared Kushner tripped and fell down twelve flights of stairs in the Saudi embassy (which is only 3 storeys high). A Saudi internal investigation found it to be an accident.
6 Rudy Giuliani caught sight of himself in a mirror whilst practicing a speech, scaring himself to death
7 Mike Pence was smothered in his sleep by Mother when she found he had had a wet dream.
8 Stephen Miller got a stake through the heart, had his head removed and was buried in garlic. But we're still not sure that he's dead.
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