A day of reckoning has arrived for Evangelical Christians. We must repudiate: a) errant apocalyptic fear-based theology; b) the Constantinian myth of the conservative 'Christianized State'; c) the replacement of the Great Commission with 'saving' America;
d) exalting false patriotism as true spirituality, and e) seeking influence in the culture through levers of power. In place of these errors - rest in the present rule of Christ; offer a wide embrace of political diversity; get back on mission; seek to serve rather than to reign;
disavow the celebrity driven culture of public protest Christianity for worshipping communities of humility led by faithful servants; live in our cities as those who love our neighbors & seek the common good rather than as those who see their neighbors as enemies and fight them.
There's a long way to go on the journey home to Gospel sanity but for many it is time to take those first steps out of the lie. Yes, this is a wildly oversimplified version of what's transpired - hey, it's Twitter - but you can read the big books on it all. Christians will...
...sometimes agree with more conservative positions and sometimes with more liberal positions, and all should have their approach informed by Scripture. But never again should Christians so identify with a single party or cause that they risk eclipsing or besmirching Jesus.
Jesus was at the Capitol insurrection. Not on the lips & banners of the insurrectionists, the plotters & hunters, but with the broken and violated and fearful who cried out for help amid the mob.
True Faith isn't about getting Jesus on your side of a revolution, but rather humbly following him into service with sacrificial love for all.
So let’s be faithfully present as neighbors, participate in politics w/ humility & graciousness, & recognize that whether we US Xtians are Ds, Rs, or Indy, our tribe will get it wrong at times & get it right at times. We can work together, worship together, and love one another
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