Thread with today’s Winston Smith news update
- the borders have not been shut
- there have not been 3 million vaccinations
- the schools are not shut
(1 of 5)
2/ the borders AREN’T shut as the newspaper headlines shout.

People can still travel to the UK. They simply have to self isolate for two weeks once they’ve arrived here. The isolation is entirely unpoliced.
3/ there have NOT 3 million+ vaccinations

A vaccination, ie full protection, from the current vaccines needs two shots. So far only around 400,000 people have been vaccinated, ie had both shots. The rest have only had one shot.
4/ schools are NOT shut

Schools are open with teachers preparing and delivering online learning. More than that physical attendance is going on in many schools, 34% have more than a third of pupils attending.
5/ Winston Smith, is the main character in Orwell’s 1984. He worked at the Ministry of Truth rewriting history and creating fake news to make the government always look good and always right.
In our reality the people working in mainstream media do the same job as Smith.
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