dps characters as barnyard characters, a thread ✨ (i’m just doing this to annoy everyone in campitts)
mr perry is mrs beady because they’re both killjoys ✨
meeks is miles the donkey because they both have the braincell ✨
cameron is snotty boy because they’re both ginger and annoying ✨
knox is pip the mouse because they’re both ladies men ✨
pitts is duke the dog just because i say so ✨
charlie is freddy the ferret because they both have chaotic energy and charlie probably also bites ✨
mr keating is ben, the father figure to the young protagonists ✨
neil is otis, our young protagonist who is taken under the wing by an old man ✨
todd is daisy because she is otis’ love interest, and they both steady their other halves/are the quiet to their loud ✨
mr nolan is dag the coyote because he is evil and also gets ‘rid’ of ben, who is keating ✨
✨ end of thread, sorry campitts ✨
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