Reagan and Thatcher so successfully dismantled the concepts of society in their respective countries that we are living in a world where warehouse workers don't want fast food workers to earn a decent wage. Meanwhile the owners of both industries sit back laughing knowing...
...that there will never be enough collective action to topple them because the workers fucking hate each other and are suspicious of one another.
We will never, ever change anything for the better with regards to the working classes unless the working classes start seeing each other as comrades and not enemies. My enemy isn't the lad flipping burgers at Maccies or the delivery driver having a piss in a layby... enemies are the people who don't pay them enough to live on, who ride roughshod over their conditions so they have to have a toilet break by a hedge. My enemies are those who enable this world, where apparently a 48 hour week is something sacred to hold onto, instead...
...of thinking - regardless of your Brexit stance - that 48 hours per week is pretty fucked up isn't it? My enemies are billionaires and capitalist parasites and the leech fucking journos who enable and justify them. We really need to get our shit together because there's a...
...fight coming and frankly right now we the working people are not fucking ready if all we're doing is demanding that someone on the same level as you should earn less than you. We need to fucking shape up, because we're doing the work of the establishment for them.
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