Starting and maintaining healthy habits from a young age is so important. Walking, cycling or scooting for example. This can be to school, somewhere else or just for fun. This report has some great insight why ⬇️. #activetravel 1/n
Great to see that walking increased by 22% during first lockdown compared to 2019. And cycling by 18%. Perhaps more time but less motor traffic certainly helped. 2/n
LTNs have an important role to play - removing motor vehicle danger and creating the environment that encourages active travel. 🚶‍♀️🛴🚲 3/n
Schools also have an important role to play - promoting physical education as well as encouraging active travel. Great to see more should be on the way in Enfield. 👍👍 4/n
Change takes time. But change is needed. That’s why LTNs are an important part of creating a more liveable environment. And that’s why plans for a network of LTNs across Enfield Borough are welcomed 👏🏻👏🏻. 5/n
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