How Writing in a Journal Can Change Your Life ?

This thread has been inspired by @tferriss @sivers @BenjaminPHardy and Jim Rohn
1) What is Journaling?

Journaling is a way to document your life.
Journal is a textbook of self discovery.

The difference between who you are and who you intend to be is what you do. By writing in a journal about you can analyze who you are and actively create your future self.
One of the unique characteristic of journal is that it offers you an effective way to figure it all out, to figure out life, people, dilemmas and the most important, to figure out yourself — Jim Rohn
This Meta Skill has so much power! By journaling in the morning and evening, you’ll quickly see the incongruencies in your life.
Writing in a journal is a way to talk to yourself. Everyone has an inner voice, which is like a neighbor, who constantly speaks in our head, by actively writing down in a journal we give that inner voice a script to ponder upon and mold our thought process accordingly.
2) The Power of documenting your Daily Progress

Anyone who isn't embarrassed by who they were 12 months ago probably isn't learning enough ― Alain de Botton
The small win theory states that if every single day you record small daily acts of progress, you actually dump dopamine, a neurotransmitter, into your brain.
Journaling motivates you to make the most of each day. There is something about knowing that your day will be recorded that makes you want to make at least one good choice before the sun sets.
When you have a bad day, it can be easy to forget how much progress you have made. But with a journal, it's easier to keep a sense of perspective.

One glance at your previous entries and you have proof of how much you have grown over the months and years.
3) The magic of writing about your Success & Failures

Sometimes failure teaches us more than winning. As every failure brings with itself clues for us to find, inside which lies the lesson.
Writing about your failure can help you in finding patterns in your behaviour, thought process which often go unnoticed.

If you are trying to achieve something write about what is working and more importantly write about what isn't working.
Most of the personal growth comes from the errors. To make the same mistake twice is truly unforgivable. Every mistake has a price tag but the costliest mistake is the one which is unlearned and often repeated. — Jim Rohn
Writing about your wins increases self confidence. It propels you towards your goals. Self Confidence starts developing when at the end of the day you realize that you have done your best.
4) Journaling can free you from worry

When you write about a bad experience, you take away the power it had over your mind. You then have the mental clarity to focus on what's really important.
Writing in a journal allows you to release your worries, trivial ideas that are swirling around your brain so then you can create that space to get those game-changing ideas that get your career, your business, you like, your fitness, your finances to world class.
Creativity needs a space to present itself.

If your mind is full of worry then there is no space for creativity, to show up with your game changing ideas that you can then act on to get you to world class.
5) Morning Journaling has the power to change your Life

Taking important decisions first thing in the morning is highly beneficial as our willpower is at its maximum potential.

Willpower is like a muscle, it weakens throughout the day and rejuvenates during sleep.
Life is full of distractions, the only way to overcome this is by being intentional about your time and energy.

By setting out intentions for the day you narrow down your attention to the things which actually matter to you which makes your satisfied with your performance.
If you pile up enough good days then there is nothing that you can't achieve.

When you write your goals down on paper first thing in the morning, you are speaking directly to your subconscious mind. By writing them down in the morning, you are literally rewiring your brain.
6) Evening journaling helps you detach from the day

By writing in your journal at the end of the day, you can relive the best moments of the day.

If something didn't go the way you expected it to, write about that and analyse what you could have done better.
Your life is worth living. Your life matters. Your life is legendary. Record it every day.

At the end of the day set your intentions for the next day, think about what would you do to make tomorrow way more meaningful than today.
#journal #journaling #SaturdayMotivation
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