My risk of dying from Covid is 0.01%

A 95% effective vaccine reduces my risk to .0095%

Would you take a med with no long term testing & a high rate of adverse effects for that risk/reward ratio?

This is the difference between relative risk & absolute risk
3 observations from this post:

(1) Many unaware the vaccine manufacturers explicitly state they don't know if the vaccinated can still be carriers & spread Covid
(2) Many ppl resort to emotionally charged & simplistic binary "pro-vax / anti-vax" arguments or just insults

Real issue is a specific vaccine tech for a specific person, but discussing that requires a level of intelligence & emotional control lacking in most
(3) Best argument for me is: if everyone complies then we can get out of these lockdowns

My belief is the lockdowns will end either way, so that freedom is associated with Biden/Harris

But any end to lockdowns will be temporary. Govt's do not relinquish tools of power
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