I was horrified watching a news story on WGN- Chicago, about a Chicago Fire Department retiree incorrectly identified as one of the insurrectionists on 1/6. He has had death threats, phone calls, emails. His life has been turned upside down.
Let me clearly state that I want every person, involved in any violence, destruction, lawlessness of any kind, at the 1/6 insurrection in DC, arrested, tried and punished. But please, we need to be very careful to call out UNVERIFIED names. This man’s phone number was tweeted!
I am all for publishing images of those involved in an effort to identify the bad actors - but IF YOU THINK you have identified someone, inform the FBI (directly - the have instructions on their site) or other appropriate police departments.
If you feel someone is an immediate threat, call the local authorities. But PLEASE do not tweet out unverified identities. It’s very hard to undo a falsehood once it’s out there. It’s how all this crap started in the first place. I feel horrible for the man, who served honorably.
This man was left a message calling him a cop killer. His son is a police officer. This hurt this poor man to the core. He’s had zero apologies or retractions. Let’s not let this happen. Thanks for listening.
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