it never fails to disappoint me to see how people react when someone's behavior is addressed.

people inevitably circle like vultures so they can get get in their cheap pecks; it's clear that they relish the chance engage in socially-sanctioned bullying more than anything else.
to be clear: if someone is being abusive, call that shit out.

i also don't see the point in the peanut gallery falling over themselves to shriek at him to "ch*ke" or shower or mocking his appearance/hygiene, as if that's somehow activism or helps his victim.
like... y'all do know you can offer the victim your support and just... unfollow/unsuscribe/block the abuser without having to make a big show of it and get in your cheap potshots, right?
also: not everyone lives on twitter so maybe don't get nasty and self-righteous towards someone who doesn't know about a callout that was posted literally LAST NIGHT.

tagging a streamer demanding to know why they follow the asshole du jour shows that you're being disingenuous.
this is exactly what's wrong with this community: do precisely what we tell you do to and comply w/ our guilt-tripping or get "blacklisted"

in what way does this support the victim? in what way does this hold the abuser accountable?

how does this help anyone?
it costs NOTHING to privately message people to let them know, "hey, i wasn't sure if you were aware that xyz happened with so-and-so".

give them time to process, read both sides, and form their own conclusions.

this public bullshit is purely about ego & clout. it helps no one.
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